
Dear Fellow Patriot,

Florida law allows local government to ban the sale and possession of firearms in a time of “civil unrest.”

But you and I both know that times of civil unrest are when people most need the ability to defend themselves!

But gun owners who decide to carry during these dangerous times could end up behind bars for simply seeking to protect themselves and their families.

That’s why your Florida Gun Rights is working with lawmakers to draft legislation that will repeal section 870.044 of the Florida Statutes.

West Palm Beach invoked this unconstitutional law earlier this year, and if we don’t act fast, your city could be next.

We must demand that state legislators respect the Second Amendment and repeal local emergency gun ban laws that strip gun owners of their rights to self-defense.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your Stop Emergency Gun Bans petition RIGHT NOW!

For Freedom,

Matt Collins
Director of Legislation
Florida Gun Rights

Petition to Stop Emergency Gun Bans

To: Governor DeSantis and My Lawmakers

WHEREAS: The right to keep and bear arms is codified by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; and

WHEREAS: Section 870.044 of Florida State Law allows local government officials to ban the sale and possession of firearms; and

WHEREAS: Localities in Florida have already used their “emergency” powers to invoke this law allowing them to suspend the sale and public possession of firearms during an emergency; and

WHEREAS: Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens must be protected, especially in times of emergency.

THEREFORE: I urge you to immediately repeal the unconstitutional laws allowing localities to suspend the sale and public possession of firearms. Florida Gun Rights will keep me informed of your actions.



Copyright © Florida Gun Rights | 2910 Kerry Forest Pkwy D-4 Suite 361 | Tallahassee, FL 32309

Florida Gun Rights is the Florida affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights, a non-profit organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRS code. Donations are unlimited, but they are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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